Midnight Marinara

Jason Caits-Cheverst

Episode 38 - "The Ghost Club"

A gentleman incarcerated in Sing Sing prison recounts the strange and absurd circumstances that led him to his present state, involving a set of silver spoons and bevy of famous ghosts...

Episode 38 - "The Ghost Club"
Midnight Marinara

Featuring the voices of (in order of appearance) Ben Paddon, Michael Malconian, Jason Caits-Cheverst, Kira Buckland, Nick Barbera, Katie Patterson and Matt Holley.

Opening theme by John King; additional music by Kevin MacLeod, Calikokat 116, gompertsff@gmail.com and CaptainInsanity.

Based on the short story by J.K. Bangs. Read it here.

Episode 24 - "When Gods Blink"

On the 25th of March, at 14:57 GMT, the world stopped for 27 minutes and 54 seconds. No one noticed at first. Those that eventually did were ordered to keep quiet...

Episode 24 - "When Gods Blink"
Midnight Marinara

Featuring the voice talents of (in order of appearance):
- Ben Paddon (PortsCenter)
- Jason Caits-Cheverst
- Kaela Berry

Opening theme by John King; ending theme by Kevin MacLeod
Mixed and edited by David King

Based on the original story by CharminglyShallow. Read it here.

Episode 15 - "Knocking"

Tormented most of his life by a series of strange knockings, a man visits a therapist to try and gain clarity on these unnerving incidents...

Episode 15 - "Knocking"
Midnight Marinara

Featuring the voices of (in order of appearance) Jason Caits-Cheverst, Emma Goddard, Sam Rusk and Joe Rusk.

Music by Kevin MacLeod
Mixed and edited by David King

Based on the original story by Steven Shorter. Read it here.

Episode 1 - "Just Telling Stories"

Two people spending a night in a hotel room tell each other scary stories, and their imaginations begin to run wild...

Episode 1 - "Just Telling Stories"
Midnight Marinara

Featuring the voices of Jason Caits-Cheverst, Sarah Llewellyn and David King
Music by Kevin McLeod
Mixed and edited by David King

Original story by Karl Drinkwater. Read it here: http://www.creepypasta.com/just-telling-stories/
Check out Karl's blog here: http://karldrinkwater.blogspot.com/
Karl's horror novel, Turner: http://karldrinkwater.blogspot.com/p/turner.html