Trent Talk

Gone Girl with Jordan Scott

Our pal Jordan is back to school us on nuance in another episode of We Talk About Movies Now, I Guess. 

Clare gets real angry about some things, Cheya goofs and Jordan is Jordan. He's great, what is there to even say?

We're also FUCKING DONE WITH SOUNDTRACKS so we can get back to our normal dang show. Whew! Finally.

Cheya also needs to rant about Logan so we spoil it at the very end, so please stop listening if you don't want Logan spoiled, and hopefully Cheya edited it all nice so you have a chance to hit stop.

Gone Girl feat. Jordan Scott
Trent Talk

Check out Jordan's show Nerd's Eye View & find him on Twitter. You can tune into Trent Talk on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play, & Stitcher, and you can find more Trent Talk on Twitter and Facebook, and get weird on Twitter with ClareCheya. If you love this show & wanna get more content, or just show some support, visit us on Patreon! Oh, and check out all of the other shows we do