Trent Talk

With Teeth (Halo 19) with Jordan Scott

This week we are joined by fellow Benview Network podcaster Jordan Scott of Nerd's Eye View! We discuss With Teeth - the album we all expected to hate, but left feeling a little differently.

Clare breaks out her Tig Notaro "Little Suitcase" voice, we find some incredible Trent Reznor fan art, Cheya teaches us about Mondegreens, we mentioned our favorite Icelandic heart throb's career and we make sure not to leave out one of Clare's favorite NIN songs: Home.

"Listen to this episode to find out what means that." -- Cheya describing Mondegreens.

We also tallied our Teeth count at the end and wound up giving this album 18 out of 26 teeth! (17 + an impacted molar.) Not too bad.

With Teeth (Halo 19)
Trent Talk

Music videos of songs on this album:

Links to things mentioned in this episode:

  • Listen to/watch Home here.

Here are those amazing fan art pics we found and discussed:

And a BONUS fan art picture that we just found, by Sasha Softpaw:

You can tune into Trent Talk on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play, & Stitcher, and you can find more Trent Talk on Twitter and Facebook, and get weird on Twitter with ClareCheya. If you love this show & wanna get more content, or just show some support, visit us on Patreon! Oh, and check out all of the other shows we do

The Hand That Feeds (Halo 18)

We're back and ready to party! What better way to party than by starting this episode off with a drinking game? Clare is sick once more, so let's have some fun: Every time she has a muffled cough, we take a drink. Every time she coughs loudly, like an idiot, we take a shot. Ready your bevs and let's get started.

We discuss The Hand That Feeds for a while, we mention a little of Trent's personal history that we only skirted over in the past, in greater detail, we discuss a current copyright infringement petition that Trent is a part of, and we close out the show listening to a track we really love by a band that's not Nine Inch Nails. 

The Hand That Feeds (Halo 18)
Trent Talk

Music Videos for songs on this album:

Links to things mentioned in this video:

  • Clare also promised to send a link to what purslane is, so here's that.

You can tune into Trent Talk on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play, & Stitcher, and you can find more Trent Talk on Twitter and Facebook, and get weird on Twitter with ClareCheya. If you love this show & wanna get more content, or just show some support, visit us on Patreon! Oh, and check out all of the other shows we do

And All That Could Have Been, Still (Halo 17) & Deep

This week we STILL discuss the And All That Could Have Been Still CD/DVD set, talking about Still. We also discuss Deep, movie sheboots, and Clare rewrites a Metallica song.

We also rant about guns a little, in light of the recent Orlando shooting. Sorry, not sorry!

Still (Halo 17) & Deep
Trent Talk

Music videos from songs on this album + Deep:

You can tune into Trent Talk on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play, & Stitcher, and you can find more Trent Talk on Twitter and Facebook, and get weird on Twitter with ClareCheya. If you love this show & wanna get more content, or just show some support, visit us on Patreon! Oh, and check out all of the other shows we do


And All That Could Have Been, Live (Halo 17)

This week we discuss AOL chat names, Kid Pix, LiveJournal, and the album And All That Could Have Been.  

And All That Could Have Been (Halo 17)
Trent Talk

WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO FIND?! We scoured the Internet, in hopes of a copy to view/steal, but were left with watching this on YouTube. Some videos don't contain sound? We did our best to find the most comprehensive list of links.


You can tune into Trent Talk on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play, & Stitcher, and you can find more Trent Talk on Twitter and Facebook, and get weird on Twitter with ClareCheya. If you love this show & wanna get more content, or just show some support, visit us on Patreon! Oh, and check out all of the other shows we do

The Quake Soundtrack

HI OOPS WE FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT QUAKE BACK WHEN WE WERE IN 1996, and also Clare has been too busy to record, so we're going to ramble about this for a minute instead of talking about And All That Could Have Been. We'll get to that soon (in a few days.)

We also discuss Game of Thrones, other video games, what we've been up to for a bit, Ed Gein, and New Kids on the Block. TUNE IN! 

The Quake Soundtrack
Trent Talk

We had the link to the Quake soundtrack up but it seems to have been taken offline. Bummer. 

Here's the Quake Nailgun ammo box. 

You can tune into Trent Talk on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play, & Stitcher, and you can find more Trent Talk on Twitter and Facebook, and get weird on Twitter with ClareCheya. If you love this show & wanna get more content, or just show some support, visit us on Patreon! Oh, and check out all of the other shows we do